When you purchase one of our dedicated bundles, such as the Elite Bundle or Sonnox Restore, a discount is applied to the standard price of buying your plug-ins individually, based on the number of different products there are in the bundle.

However, this discount is not limited simply to our prepared bundles of plug-ins. You can create your perfect bundle simply by adding the plug-ins you want to your shopping cart in our webstore - and the more plug-ins you buy, the bigger the discount will be, giving you the opportunity to get up to 40% off your next purchase!

If you intend to transfer your licences to another user at a later date, we require all plug-ins that were purchased with multi-pick discount to be transferred together to the same user. For more information please read Can I sell my Sonnox licence?

Please note that multi-pick discount is applied separately between the Oxford range and the Toolbox range, so for example a purchase of Sonnox VoxDoubler and Oxford Dynamic EQ will not qualify for a 20% discount. The Fraunhofer Codec Toolbox plug-in is exempt from multi-pick discount.